Sun Nov 24 18:26:55 CET 2024 I entered "germany" (oblast) in 2002. The first computer system I used was from my parents. It was a P200 with a CRT monitor from my mothers sister's daughters mother's aunt's son's cousin's husband. In 2005 or so I made an interesting discovery. Out of boredom I broke the monitor with a hammer. This was a blessing in disguise because it caused me to find something that I usually would have never seen. It was a little piece of cardboard with what seemed a metallic spraying on it. The cardboard was suspended in the vacuum tube that is the monitor between the fluorescent display and the CRT electron beam-"gun". After 20 years of thinking around this this is what I finally conclude: +------------\ | --- | \(3) | --- | | \ | | ----------+ | | | | | | | | +----+ | | (4) | Cathode Electron Gun (1) | | +----+ | | | | | | | | /----------+ | --- | / | --- | / +------------ Phosphourous screen (2) 1. Electron gun (standard CRT) 2. Phosphorous screen (standard CRT) 3. Valve (requires special metal working skills for holding paper in place and pumping air back out) 4. A special coated paper inserted much the same way as a ship in the "ship in a bottle" mechanism. Albert Einstein wrote his paper called "spooky action at a distance" over half a century ago. Let's pretend someone made a specially quantum entangled surface (pretend the metal is erbium a dopant also used in fibre optic repeaters that are in sub-sea cables). Paranoia aside, this is either what Jeru calles "tricknology" or the real McCoi, though done in a rather ghetto way. It would allow someone with the entangled sibling paper to see everything I'm seeing on the CRT. Coincidentally I also broke an LCD monitor in the same apartment (frankfurt nied) at the time. There was 4 clear components to the monitor. 1. Gorilla glass or similar to protect the surface of the LCD. 2. An unknown layer plate that I could not identify (more to this) 3. The LED matrix for displaying pixels. 4. The backlight. Much like the erbium doped idea about the cardboard paper that was in the CRT this (#2) could be a special erbium doped glass plate where the doped elements are again, quantum entangled. This means in places like Beijing and Seoul predominantly there is giant scan farms of monitors (don't have to be very wide), to see what people are seeing on their monitors (*smile* to my spies currently). No electronic backchannel required. Neither any signature at all. It's all quantum mechanics. Welcome to the 21st century. 1984 was 20 years late, and 20 years ago, but it's finally here. Again. Take it with a grain of salt. Tricknology. -pjp PS: it's probably a good idea to go back to CRT's and worry about the T.E.M.P.E.S.T. later if you are in the business of criminal activity. For me I don't care. Inspect your CRT daily. Also make sure you shield your self properly when opening a CRT, there is high voltage capacitors that can take your life (as in electric shock). So be careful. Has anyone ever done a phased array for CRT, much like the eye of an insect? hundreds if not thousands of CRT diodes that beam directly on the phosphorous screen. Anyhow I'm Audi 5G (in my F-16 fighting falcon (whooosh!)).