Mon Dec 16 18:22:32 CET 2024 Active SONAR is causing deafness in cetacians (whales). These are very important sea mammals that regulate the levels of Krill (sea lifeforms, highest level of biomass for a species found on the planet). The result that I hypothesise (may have been confirmed as well) that krill eating whales are having a hard time finding mates. This is attributed to deafness and long distances for calling the mate-call. The result may kill the ocean life by a hypothesised overpopulation of krill. As a suggestion on making cetacians life easier, I suggest the following for the earths navies. Stay passive. The suggestion for this is the following formula that anyone can understand: active sonar == deafness in whales == unable to mate == shortage of whales == overpopulation of krill == \ destruction of the ocean life == destruction of the human race. We are now in times where AI and Quantum computers can be brought on board of submarines and surface ships. Consider these factors on finding "foes": - noise of sea life has differences when human presence is near, machine learning can isolate this - 3D stereoscopic passive SONAR much like passive RADAR now has a future (think "wolfpacks"). - A submarine never really needed to use active sonar anyhow unless it wanted to reveal its location. - So a network for Destroyers using AI would be using passive sonar in combination with RADIO. TLDR; There was treaties on reducing and banning nuclear arms because of their capability to wipe out life on earth. How about this one? The end result is the same. The argument that you're defending human life with active SONAR is mute, you're killing human life in the end. -pjp